googly koons

googly upside-down fontana

googly goldin

googly theibaud
...and more!
On a visit to Grandpa in 1968, my mother took a photo of my sisters and me in front of the old-folks home where he lived. Four years later, on another visit, we decided, on a lark, to recreate the earlier shot. We got the lineup wrong, and my sisters botched their poses slightly. But we were working from memory, and in that light the outcome is faithful, if not exact. Eight years later we lined up for another recreation, and this time we used a previous photo as a guide. Stupidly, we used the 1972 shot as our pose template rather than the original 1968 shot. In 1983, we recreated the "wrong" pose again. For a 1986 shot, we finally got our act together and lined up just as we had the very first time. We've kept on track ever since, taking a new picture whenever we happen to be together. Since both my sisters live in California, our opportunities to update the series are infrequent.- joey harrison